Facebook has rolled out an updated News Feed page, which is supposed to better match the mobile version.

The latest version is claimed to have a simplified left-hand menu, which excludes several options such as photos, pages and apps.

News feed allows photos to be viewed in large mode, while new fonts including Helvetica and Arial have also been added.

Facebook News Feed product manager Greg Marra was cited by The Verge as saying: "People don’t like us moving their furniture around, because you break muscle memory."

According to the social networking firm, some user accounts have already been moved on to the new design, with every other user moving within a few weeks.

In 2013, Facebook had trialled a new design that incorporated a dark left-hand menu to imitate the iOS and Android apps, but was removed after discovering that it didn’t help users get around the site.

Marra said: "We recognise that while we strive for design consistency, part of that is recognising that the way you use things on a PC is different from how you use things on your phone."

"But it’s important that we cut these from the same cloth," Marra added.

In January, Facebook launched a social news app called Paper for iOS devices, which comes with several sections agregating news stories and other links being shared by contacts.