Facebook and Twitter have reportedly joined hands to provide an improved social networking experience to their combined worldwide userbase of over 850 million.

According to the new collaboration, Facebook, with over 750 million active users, will now allow users to update Twitter accounts from their Facebook accounts, reported International Business Times.

The new feature will enable a Facebook user’s account to update his or her twitter account, which will be linked, with every update from Facebook, said the report. Users will have to link the accounts before using the service.

The partnership between the world’s most popular social networking site and the popular microbloging site could spell doom for Google’s latest foray into the social networking world.

Since its launch in June this year, Google+ has set off a battle with Facebook.

Initially, Facebook rubbished Google+ saying that the entrant copied its features. However, the company borrowed several features from Google+ to address growing privacy concerns. Facebook not only tweaked its control settings to improve privacy features to match its new rival, it also enabled music and introduced and ‘smart lists’, a feature that mimics Google+’s ‘Circles’.

Last week, Google turned to its popular mapping service Google Maps to launch ‘+snippets’ for Google+.