Social network giant Facebook is reportedly working on plans to infiltrate your office with a ‘professional’ version of the site.

The ‘Facebook for Work’ version would be set to compete with other business-orientated social network sites such as LinkedIn and Google Plus.

The website would reportedly allow colleagues to instant message and collaborate with work documents, similar to Microsoft Office 365 and Google Drive.

It would have a similar user experience to the standard Facebook, with timelines and friends, but personal information would be kept separate from work profiles.

"The new site will look very much like Facebook – with a newsfeed and groups – but will allow users to keep their personal profile with its holiday photos, political rants and silly videos separate from their work identity," said the Financial Times.

The FT reported that some of the development of the site is taking place at Facebook’s London offices, and that early versions of the site are being tested on select companies already.

Aside from planning to connect the remaining 5 billion people on the planet to the Internet using drones and satellites, Facebook’s professional move would see the firm enter into a market where use of its website is traditionally frowned upon.

Facebook is also in talks with a satellite operator to provide free internet to Africa as part of its initiative.