Facebook is reportedly testing an app version of its Graph Search feature for mobile devices.

Mashable journalist Seth Fiegerman first noticed the change and posted the screenshot of the new interface, which is similar to web version of Graph Search.

During Facebook’s fourth quarter earnings call, the company’s CEO Mark Zuckerburg said, "We’re really early in the game on [Graph Search]. You can see that because we haven’t even really rolled out our mobile version of Graph Search yet and we’re a mobile company."

"Pretty soon, you should expect us to roll out the mobile version of this. I think that’s going to be an important step because most of the usage of Facebook overall is on mobile."

Graph Search, which was launched in 2013, is a precise search feature that allows users to find information and new connections on the site through key phrases.

The feature will enable users to perform specific searches about friends on the site, including the content shared by users, including pictures, personal information and links.

It will allow users to discover new music or films, or get restaurant recommendations from friends who have been there.