Facebook has launched Facebook at Work, a new app designed to take on similar workplace social platforms such as LinkedIn.

Facebook at Work lets users create a work account that is separate from their personal Facebook account. Users can only set up a work account if their company is registered with the app.

Facebook at Work allows users to use Facebook tools to interact with co-workers, signalling an alternative to email and intranet networks. Posts which are shared using work accounts will only be visible to other people at the same company.

Users will be able to connect both work and personal Facebook accounts, with the platform allowing users to switch between the 2 accounts while using the same username and password for both.

Facebook at Work profiles will automatically include information provided by users’ employers. This may include details like names, job titles, and work contact info.

The launch of Facebook for Work follows LinkedIn’s announcement that they have extended its publishing tool to all members in English-speaking countries.

While LinkedIn has always been recognised as a valuable workplace tool, connecting professionals globally, Facebook at Work may find difficulties in trying to infiltrate the workplace. This is due to the fact that a number of companies currently block access to the social platform.