Expert Edge Ltd of Ballbridge, Dublin and Hampton, Middlesex, has announced a new software toolkit, C Bridge for Windows, available at the end of the month. It is designed to enable developers to generate compiled Windows C programs without having to develop in C or having any knowledge of the Windows Software Developer’s Kit. It is a development environment with ready-to-use Application Libraries and a Code Generator which produces the executable EXE code and comprises a Menu Editor, Dialog Editor, Procedure Editor and a Function Library with more than 250 predefined functions, including financial and scientific operations, database manipulation, and string, time and and date handling, as well as a series of flow control functions, the advantage being that the application will run faster than those delivered in an interpreted environment. The company anticipates that C Bridge will enable it to maintain its competitive edge in the market by virtue of its performance, estimated at six times that of the nearest competitor and its competitive price. Although the official price has not been announced, at the Windows Expo at Olympia last week the whole application bridge environment was available for UKP4,450.
Agreement with Wall Data
The company has also announced an agreement with Wall Data Inc of Redmond, Washington as part of Expert Edge’s commitment to adding value to client-host computing. The Application Bridge for Rumba automates the connection between Expert’s Application Bridge development tool for Windows, which was released in February, and Wall Data’s micro-to-mainframe Rumba software and aims to provide multi-environment co-operative processing applications on personal computer local area networks and to improve personal computer to host connections with IBM Corp mainframe and AS/400 and Digital Equipment Corp VAX systems. The Application Bridge is a way of drawing on the strengths of both environments and protecting existing developments in the shift to client-server implementation. All codes and object can be held in dictionaries and libraries, enabling them to be re-used in applications thanks to the object-oriented language feature. It also includes user interface design tools so common user access compliant dialogues and menus can be built more easily, a local database and database manager, an SQL option, an Autocode feature enabling the creation of personal computer-to-host applications instantly and an extendible function library. The Application Bridge for Rumba is available now priced from UKP1,750. Expert Edge is concentrating its marketing on direct sales to major corporates in the UK and on the continent at present, with specialist value-added resellers bringing in additional expertise and customer support. The new product will be launched in the US at Comdex next month. Expert Edge also expects to announce two major new contracts in the next couple of weeks.