Exel has signed Symbol Technologies to provide mobile data applications.

Exel is ready to take on the eTail world. This alliance with Symbol Technologies, a global leader in mobile data transaction systems, will enhance Exel’s software and services through wireless LAN technology and mobile computing.

Like other leading supply chain operators worldwide, Exel has recognized the need to develop eCommerce applications that offer a source of competitive advantage over operators using off-the-shelf systems. Exel possesses the resources, capabilities and services that will make it an optimal logistics partner to the online retail sector. For example, Exel Direct, a division dedicated to eFulfillment, differentiates itself from similar operations by offering a complete home delivery solution for larger goods, such as furniture and home appliances, that are not traditionally associated with eTail sales.

Exel’s choice of systems partner, along with its service offering and expertise, are sure to be a wining combination, particularly as it expands globally. The company already has a strong UK client base in the retail sector, but is looking to partner with major retailers across Europe and the US, where it has already begun talks and negotiations. It will be looking to establish a sustainable customer base on which to continue building its expertise. This may prove difficult in the volatile online retail market, but it is Exel’s key to long-term success.