Excite Inc announced it is taking a new strategic direction in the organization and content management of its website. The three-phase plan will see the internet search engine evolve into a channels-based model that more closely mirrors the way consumers and – more importantly, no doubt – advertisers relate to media. It says web surfers will be able to search for information more simply by choosing from various channels, much like television. Specific channels will be designated for such areas as arts and entertainment, sports, business, computing and so on. The new format will be adopted within the next 45 days and gradually become more comprehensive until, by the end of the year, the channels will be built out as independent units, each managed by its own producer. While the plan may well make things easier for the consumer, Excite’s primary reason for the change may be to make its site more attractive to would-be advertisers. The channels model will offer advertisers the opportunity to reach more specific demographic groups, thus enabling them to develop and buy online media exposure in much the same way they make other media purchases.
