Excalibur Technologies Corp, which moves about a bit and is now headquartered in San Diego, has begun shipping its PixTex/EFS 3.0 document imaging software to a much broadened list of machines, including Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations, Hewlett-Packard Co HP 9000 Series 700s, IBM Corp RS/6000, and Digital Equipment Corp Ultrix, VAX/VMS and Alpha AXP/Open VMS servers with Windows, X Window and Macintosh clients. The new version of the software automatically indexes, stores and retrieves digital information. The company’s fuzzy searching technology enables searches with free-form queries on full-text contents, document names and file labels, and users can find information even if documents are misfiled or queries are misspelled. The technology also overcomes common optical character recognition processing errors, eliminating the need for cleaning up OCR-processed documents. The software provides links to external databases including Oracle, In formix, Rdb, Sybase and Ingres and Excalibur also provides local area network support through TCP/IP to Windows and Macintosh clients in Unix environments, and DECnet to Windows and Macintosh clients in DEC/VMS environments. No prices were given.