According to the company, the new capabilities give marketers the ability to automate their lead nurturing process with drag and drop interface to create dynamic web pages and lead capture forms. Marketers can also effortlessly aggregate data from multiple sources and use a point and click interface to schedule a sequence of follow-up communication activities.

The new capabilities, available for customers to use with ExactTarget’s fall 2008 product release in November 2008, all come with a pre-configured integration to Salesforce CRM. By creating a direct application-to-application connection, joint customers can benefit from an automatic integration and avoid common data mapping and synchronization challenges that can cause for costly implementations by other providers, said ExactTarget.

Brian Smith, vice president of product management at ExactTarget, said: Today’s savvy marketers need to be equipped with capabilities that are both powerful, but at the same time easy to use and affordable. Our approach is to put automation and control into the hands of the marketer so they can be nimble and capitalize on all opportunities to drive revenue for an organization.