Hewlett-Packard Co is proceeding apace with its Unix-with everything strategy and the next step will be to offer Unix on the 32-bit RISC-based models of its HP3000 business computer line as well as on the HP9000s, reports Electronic News. The HP3000s presently run only the proprietary MPE XL enhanced version of MPE V, but Hewlett is promising that users will be able to run MPE and Unix concurrently to get the best of both worlds and be able to add all the applications written for Unix alongside their existing MPE applications. The company has given no date for the addition of Unix to the HP3000s, but says the first step will be to provide developers with a Posix shell and the Open Software Foundation Motif user interface to enable them to create versions of their applications for the HP3000. Separately, the company confirmed that it has stopped selling the original HP9000 Model 840S Unix RISC machine in a move towards phasing out the original TTL versions of its Precision Architecture in favour of newer implementations of the CPU fabricated in CMOS.