Four-year-old personal computer distributor Everex Systems Inc, Fremont, California has taken it upon itself to produce yet another implementation of Unix for 80386-based machines. Everex claims that its port, Enix, is a real/stable implementation of AT&T’s Unix System V.3 and says it considers implementations from the likes of Interactive Systems and Microport to be too sophisticated or expensive, add says its own product enables resellers and systems integrators to add value in the form of applications as appropriate for the individual user requirements. Everex claims to be more concerned with propagating Unix rather than making money out of it, saying that Unix on the 386 is becoming a commodity item and increasingly difficult to make money out of. The Enix release will be commercially available during the third quarter and will be a single package including runtime, development tools and text tools. A two-user licence will cost $149, and an unlimited user licence $249, and both prices include documentation. A beta test version of Enix is scheduled to be distributed to systems and software houses this month.