Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp says it is seeing a decline in orders for its high-end NT graphics workstations which started in Asia, but is now extending worldwide. It says the decline first came to light in its second quarter and will extend into the first quarter of 1999, at the least. The Salt Lake City-based firm says the problems have been compounded by inventory reductions among the computer makers that are its customers. Accordingly, third quarter results will only be slightly profitable at approximately $0.02 to $0.04 net earnings per share on revenues of $50m, compared with $0.40 per share on revenue of $38.5m in 1997. The effect was amplified by the acquisition of AccelGraphics Inc earlier this year (CI No 3,395), part of the company’s move away from chips to boards. E&S says the fourth quarter in desktop graphics will improve because of higher volume shipments of new products, because inventory reductions from OEMs will have been completed, and because of an expanded customers base. Desktop graphics will lose money in 1998, but should be profitable in 1999, it said, but the simulation business is on track in both revenues and profit claims the company, with a strong backlog of orders.