Troels Oerting, director of Europol’s European Cyber Crime Unit, has moved to Barclays to become Group Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

The former police officer will now be based at Barclays’ headquarters in Canary Wharf, London.

Oerting announced the news on Twitter, writing: "Strange feeling. Last day as Head of European Cybercrime Centre #EC3 at @Europol_EU – it has been a privilege! Thanks".

CISOs are currently highly in demand and are responsible for ensuring the information assets and technologies of an enterprise are adequately protected.

Oerting’s colleague at Europol and managing director and consultant at BH Consulting tweeted: "A big thank you to Troels Oerting for all his hard work at Europol EC3 and best of luck in his new role at Barclays."

Oerting did not specify when he would be moving to his new role in London.