The European Commission’s audiovisual service offers video, photo and sound coverage of European news with material dating from the 1940s. Under the terms of the new agreement, hundreds of hours of content covering a variety of EU subjects will be available at
The service’s contribution to the blinkx platform includes video stockshots, genuine image banks for use by media professional’s video news releases, and institutional productions providing information on main community policies.
By making our content available through we hope to provide easy access to informative and relevant news content coming out of the EU, said Alain Dumort, head of the EC’s audiovisual service, and directorate-general for communication. blinkx’ video search capabilities are ideal for our multimedia content and we are excited to extend the ways in which users can find and view this information.
Blinx claims that its video search technology delivers results that are more accurate and reliable than metadata-based keyword searches such as those provided by search titans Google and Yahoo!