More details have emerged of the service contract Eunetcom SA announced with Compagnie des Machines Bull SA last month (CI No 2,462). The agreement will involve Eunetcom taking over the operation of the French computer and software outfit’s backbone network, comprising the lines between Bull’s main sites worldwide. These are said to number about 50 in all, spread across 13 countries. Eunetcom will operate the links themselves, together with the company’s Gandalf Technologies Ltd-based multiplexors and Cisco Systems Inc and 3Com Corp routers. According to a Bull spokesman, the service deal will become operational in ‘a few weeks’, pending a final network audit by Eunetcom. The value of the contract is said to be the equivalent of around $94m according to a Eunetcom source. Discussions are also under way between the two organisations to sell spare capacity on the network, a fringe benefit that Eunetcom has already agreed with existing client Dun & Bradstreet Corp. Marsha Johnston