Etisalat has launched a mobile device, Etisalat 211 FM. The device also features a Wasel SIM card along with AED165 of free airtime credit for international calls, over a period of three months.
The company said that the new device supports MMS, WAP and FM radio features. It has a colored display screen and supports both Arabic and English languages. The device comes with a headset and one year warranty from the company.
Earlier the company had launched HTC android based phone for its customers in the UAE. The company is in partnership with RIM, Apple and HTC to bring devices such as Blackberry and iPhone to the UAE market.
Khalifa al Shamsi, senior vice president of consumer marketing at Etisalat, said: “Launch of an affordable mobile device is a strategic move for Etisalat into the mobile devices segment. The new Etisalat 211 FM device will realise our dream of expanding our customer’s reach, and offering them a truly affordable holistic connectivity option, whereby they not only get a fantastic device, but also can get dual benefits of free Wasel SIM card connection and free airtime credit bonus.
“Etisalat will also launch more self-branded devices in the future that will not only cover mass markets but also include highly customised devices, especially designed for special segments of customers.”