If you don’t mind your machine bearing the rather anonymous name of ETG International Inc, you can have a Pentium-based notebook computer for under $2,000: the Bloomington, Minnesota company has launched the ETG Trekker I and Trekker II Pentium Series; the Trekker I has 4Mb expandable to 36Mb, 2.5 removable 240Mb drive expandable to 520Mb and 1.44Mb 3.5 floppy drive with options of dual-scan, active matrix colour, or monochrome display, at from $1,900; the 60MHz Pentium-based Trekker II has VESA local bus and takes up to 40Mb memory; it offers the same configurations options as the I but only colour screens, weighs 8 lbs and starts at $3,733; the company adds as an afterthought that both models also include a built-in microphone and two internal four-watt speakers for internal multimedia capability.