Esker SA, the French personal computer-to-Unix house is teaming up with Austin, Texas-based Boundless Technologies Inc to link its terminal emulation software with Boundless’ Viewpoint family of thin client products. Boundless unveiled Viewpoint last month after deciding not to go ahead with the development of second generation Network Computers using Sun Microsystems Inc’s JavaOS operating system (CI No 3,158), and believes Esker’s emulation technology will improve the flexibility of Viewpoint to access legacy host environments. The companies are also planning to distribute Esker’s server based software with Viewpoint 200, and the 300 model which will be available later in the year. Esker is of the opinion that some 35% of all emulation software will be present in thin clients by the year 2000, and is therefore extremely positive about its relationship with Boundless. The Viewpoint thin clients are based on Intel Corp X86-compatible hardware, with models ranging from an Ethernet network text terminal to a multi-user Windows system.