Ernst & Young (EY) has launched its second ‘EY Start-Up Challenge’ for tech start-ups.

The winners of the programme will win EY’s intensive mentoring programme and will be provided with the opportunity to meet EY’s network of clients, as well as their own potential clients and investors.

The company announced that tech start-ups interested to take up the challenge should be working on technologies that provide business with "more intelligent customer interactions" or "increased visibility along the supply chain to avoid shocks and minimise risk."

The selected start-ups will be given one out of 10 places on EY’s intensive mentoring programme.

According to EY, the Startup Challenge aims to bring together its clients with high-growth start-ups to explore possible solutions for future business problems.

EY spokesperson Richard Taylor said: "Innovative start-up technologies are critical to unlocking the business challenges of the future, and we’re delighted to launch the second EY Start-Up Challenge.

"Providing high-potential entrepreneurs with access to our people and clients to help solve their most complex problems creates a real opportunity for small businesses with big ideas to forge ahead with the new, dynamics technologies of tomorrow, and will guide technological innovation on its route to market."