Equinix, a provider of global data centre services, has opened $80m DC6, its sixth International Business Exchange (IBX) data centre in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Equinix said that its new IBX data centre offers 1,750 cabinets to the telecommunications, enterprise, cloud and IT, and content companies that are either headquartered or have a significant presence in the area.

The company said that adding the DC6 IBX data centre to the existing campus of data centres will enable Equinix to strengthen its peering, cross connect and traffic exchange services, and help its customers extend their market reach.

Washington, D.C. metropolitan area serves as the #2 hub for Equinix cloud computing and IT customers looking to optimise the performance of their infrastructure, platform, software-as-a-service, systems integration and managed service solutions.

Peter Ferris, president of Equinix North America, said: "As the economy continues to globalise, the Washington, D.C. metro area increases in strategic importance. The region serves as the main hub for inbound and outbound traffic and is a crucial component of any global expansion plan.

"Adding DC6 to our roster of IBX data centres will greatly strengthen our leadership position in the area and will help us better serve our expanding ecosystem of global companies."