Equifax’s ARM Predictor gives lenders the information they need to further refine their portfolio risk management and account acquisition campaign strategies. The Equifax ARM Predictor model identifies consumers within a lender’s portfolio or target markets that have a high statistical probability of holding an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) loan. This ability to better identify consumers with an ARM is especially important in the current marketplace, in which ARM resets are raising payments and impacting behavior.

Dann Adams, president of US consumer information solutions at Equifax, said: In the current credit economy, many financial institutions have had to pull back their acquisition activities and implement tighter portfolio management strategies. Unless businesses have detailed information about their customers and prospects, they have no way of knowing whether a consumer has an ARM. By using Equifax ARM Predictor, financial institutions can re-commit to growing their portfolios with greater knowledge, and better deploy resources to manage existing accounts.