MasPar Computer Corp, the SIMD parallel computer manufacturer in which Digital Equipment Corp has a 5% stake in return for marketing rights to the Sunnyvale, California company’s products, has cut prices of its entry-level computers by up to 35%: UKP100,000 will now buy the MP 1101 1,024-processor system, plus a high-performance graphics workstation, graphics programming environment, C compiler and 1,600 MIPS and 75 MFLOPS; a high-end 4,096-processor MP 1101, delivering 6,400 MIPS and 300 MFLOPS is now UKP200,000 in the UK; president Jeff Kalb says that it is the outstanding success of the MP-1 products that makes this possible; MasPar claims over 80 systems installed in 10 countries since the company’s first launch in 1990; MasPar’s offerings range up to 16,384 processors and deliver up to 16,000 MIPS and 1.2 GFLOPS, costing up to UKP1m.