The award acknowledges the successful collaborative development and global distribution of the BioNavigator Bioinformatics Workspace, a popular Web-based biotechnology data and analysis resource. The Honorable Peter Costello MP presented the award at a ceremony in Melbourne. Criteria for the award included innovativeness, strength of the relationship between collaborating partners, outreach, national benefits, and cultural impact on the partnering organizations.

It is tremendously satisfying and a great honor for Entigen and the Australian Genomic Information Center to be acknowledged for outstanding collaborative achievement, said Dr Tim Littlejohn, CSO of Entigen and head of ANGIS, the Australian National Genomic Information Service of the University of Sydney’s Australian Genome Information Center in an announcement to the awaiting press. The partnership has produced funding, development, access to data and technology, and commercial distribution capabilities far greater than what either organization could have accomplished alone, he added.