Raid storage supplier Ciprico Inc had been counting on increased sales from the entertainment industry to boost its next quarter. But they didn’t materialize, and now the Minneapolis-based company is lowering its estimates for the fiscal third quarter, ending June 30, to between $7m and $10m in sales and 1 to 17 cents earnings per share. Ciprico signed a strategic alliance with Silicon Graphics Inc back in February, and styles itself as the disk array company for visual computing applications. Ciprico has show-biz pretensions, and last month was boasting that its disk arrays had been used for the animated feature film, ‘Quest for Camelot’. The 20 year-old company’s products have also been used on the films ‘Anastasia’, ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘Independence Day’. Cirprico, which says that many of its sales can occur during the last few weeks of the quarter, says it hopes the SGI deal will provide a good foundation for future business.