Sun Microsystems Inc should begin to realize income from Java on its bottom line when Java begins to drive sales of enterprise systems, which is why JavaSoft has been working so hard on an Enterprise JavaBeans API specification which is now available for review. The EJB spec defines key control processes entity descriptions that describe how low-level system functions interact. It supports Java RMI and Corba IIOP protocols. In release 1.0 of the spec support for session objects is required, but support for entity objects is optional. EJB 2.0 will require support for entity objects. Developers will utilize EJBs within re-usable application components, Sun says. TP monitors; component transaction servers such as Sybase Jaguar and Microsoft Transaction Server; Corba platforms; databases; and web servers are all potential EJB containers. We hear there’s more work to do to describe the interaction of objects with servers and that EJB will be re-worked for C++ for use as the Object management Group’s Component Model or CorbaBeans. 19 companies worked on the EJB spec including Novell, IBM, Informix, Sybase, Tandem and Oracle. A final spec is due in 60 days once. Sun will demo a bunch of applications using enterprise beans at Internet World 97 today from Evesta, Click, Scopus, Extensity and Areba.