Enterprise Computer Holdings Plc’s acquisition of Database Server Systems Inc (CI No 2,368), will be satisfied by the issue of 1.8m shares to the two owners of Database Server, Robert Bolt and Robert Gentry. They have the option to buy up another 500,000 shares in Enterprise at a later date. The issue sees 16.7% of the shares freely tradable 90 days after the deal on March 3, the remainder being freed a further 60 days after that. Enterprise, which has moved into business process re-engineering, was originally a mainframe consultancy firm until it decided to distance itself from this area, helped by the Database Server acquisition. It will still support mainframe customers but is telling them that it won’t bid in future contracts. Following the closure of its German office, largely because of the prohibitive effect of German employment law on business re-engineering, the acquisition of San Francisco Bay Area-based DBSS ties in well with plans to conentrate on the UK and the US.