Advanced Computer Concepts will now be able to offer enterprise customers within the Mid-Atlantic area, strategic network solutions from Enterasys, focused on the best in technology, service and support. Based upon Enterasys’ high-performance and reliable infrastructure solutions and Advanced Computer Concepts’ exceptional consultative and service approach, the partnership provides customers with a total technology solutions partner rather than a networking vendor.

Under the agreement, Advanced Computer Concepts will complement its existing offerings with Enterasys’ high-performance and reliable infrastructure solutions, including the award-winning RoamAbout(TM) wireless solution and the recently-announced Aurorean(TM) Virtual Network VPN solution, a cornerstone of the Secure Harbour(TM) architecture, Enterasys’ holistic security solution designed to protect the entire network infrastructure.

The need for a reliable, scalable and available IT infrastructure has never been more critical to business success. It’s also never been more challenging, with businesses being offered a myriad of technology choices supporting dynamic business environments. The ACC and Enterasys Partnership offers a comprehensive set of infrastructure and systems management services that range from assessment, strategy and design to implementation and operational services. Together, we’ll help our clients optimize their IT investments, improve performance, achieve availability objectives and avoid the problems that can cost organizations time and money, said Amir Sohrabi, Vice President of Enterprise Solutions, Advanced Computer Concepts.

We are pleased to be partnering with Advanced Computer Concepts to offer the kinds of enterprise solutions that our mutual strengths will make available. By standardizing on the broad and rich set of data networking infrastructure solutions from Enterasys Networks everyone will benefit – clients, ACC, and Enterasys, said Al Harper, regional vice president for Enterasys Networks. Their core competencies in wireless, security, and convergence strengthen our presence in the Mid Atlantic area and offer additional proof that our high-touch channel strategy is focused on providing complete enterprise communications solutions.