In three years, Endesa has invested over E4.7 billion in enhancing its supply networks, and the IP Tetra telecontrol systems have enabled the utility to slash its system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) by 50% between 2003 and 2006.

The IP Tetra system will support the automatic detection and prediction of power disruptions to ensure ongoing electricity service. Endesa said that the network should be up and running in Catalonia before the end of 2007, and could be extended to other parts of Spain.

The Tetra system will replace an analogue PMR network, operating in radio spectrum reserved for utilities. This solution was deemed unable to meet both current demand and future needs.

After analyzing a variety of alternatives, Endesa said that it had chosen Tetra for the transmission of telemetry data and voice services to maintain communication with field service workers.

Current demand for secure and uninterrupted power supply requires heavy investment to control the medium voltage network, in order to drastically reduce the time required to repair and restore electricity after a power failure, Endesa said.

Endesa’s enhancement investments have included the installation of remote monitoring systems in over 5,800 medium-voltage centers. By the end of 2007, Endesa expects to have 7,300 telecontrol centers.