Thorn EMI Plc’s EMI Music is the only one of the Big Six record companies without any multimedia offshoots or alliances – or at least it was until yesterday. It has plunged into the fray with joint ventures with Apple Computer Inc, two multimedia software developers and announced plans for Long Form CD-ROMs and Enhanced Compact Disks, a programme of Video CD releases and plans for the Internet. EMI has signed Apple to install a leading edge multimedia studio appoint technical staff to the Abbey Road Studios to bring together cutting edge recording and multimedia technology. Apple will also supply and support a number of CD-ROM authoring stations for Virgin and EMI companies throughout the world to provide artists with comprehensive and technologically advanced facilities and tools to support their multimedia projects. EMI will also work with Apple on development of Enhanced CD titles. Virgin Interactive Entertainment Inc will work with EMI artists to develop, make and distribute full-length interactive CD-ROM entertainment titles.The company has also teamed with the Von Holtzbrinck Group, described as a German publisher with big music publishing interests to develop, manufacture and distribute full length interactive CD-ROM reference and resource titles built on EMI repertoire. In early autumn, EMI’s Virgin Records will be releasing its first fully interactive CD-ROM from The Rolling Stones, based on the Voodoo Lounge album, and in the summer, EMI North America will release its first fully-interactive CD-ROM, interactive games based on the Promised Land, album from Queensryche. And EMI plans more Internet sites for its labels and artists.