The date for the launch is May 8, according to the latest rumors. That date would make good sense in terms of managing quarterly revenue, according to one source.

You don’t want to screw up the backlog from the previous quarter, or any sales in hand, and you want about sixty days ahead of you in the rest of the quarter. So early May makes most sense, the source said.

At one stage, there was speculation that the new mid-range disk arrays would be launched at the Storage Networking World conference show at the beginning of April. When that did not happen, the speculation shifted to the EMC World user conference being held in Boston, Massachusetts.

At the time Computer Business Review went to press, EMC had scheduled a major software announcement for the first day of the conference.

Anticipation of the new Clariions has been slowing sales of larger Clariions recently, EMC said during its recent earnings call.