EMC Corp is dashing headlong to support Windows NT. It points to a Dataquest survey of 217 Windows NT sites which found 83% of users are installing NT for running mission critical applications and 93% are trying to reduce the number of NT storage devices they require in order to improve manageability and reduce costs. That’s because, according to the same study, managing NT is twice as expensive and requires twice as many staff as managing Unix. And that means it’s worth lots of money. In the meantime, with storage devices and networks set to take over more of the tasks currently handled by servers, EMC is evangelizing the notion of a data-tone, like Sun Microsystems Inc’s web-tone, for providing ubiquitous data access. New Dataquest numbers indicate EMC Corp has a leading 35% revenue share of RAID systems shipped this year for external use with systems. IBM weighs in with 22%, others 15%, Compaq 9%, Hitachi 7%, Sun and HP 6% each.