The new recruit is John Koury, who was formerly vice president of worldwide marketing for Compaq Computer Corp’s enterprise storage group, and was described by EMC as a 20-year IT industry veteran. He will report to Gregg Ambulos, EMC’s vice president for global channels.

EMC’s recent push down market into mid-range and entry-level storage has been helped hugely by its reselling deal with Dell Corp, which now accounts for around 70% of all of EMC’s mid-range sales. EMC, however, does not want all of its mid-range eggs in Dell’s basket, and for the last 18 months or so has been attempting to woo resellers and VARs.

It admits that these small businesses have previously been put off by EMC’s reputation as difficult to work with, but insists that it is making progress and now perception is lagging reality. A spokesman for EMC said yesterday the appointment is proof of our commitment to the channel.

Koury left Compaq before its merger with Hewlett Packard Corp and joins what is becoming a small gang of ex-Compaq employees in the top ranks of EMC. Last month it emerged Mark Sorenson, former Compaq executive and subsequently vice president of HP’s storage software division had joined EMC as its vice president of information access and recovery.

Last summer Mark Lewis left his post as HP’s storage marketing vice president to become EMC’s CTO and executive vice president of open software. Lewis had been the general manager of Compaq’s enterprise storage division before the Compaq and HP merger.

This article was based on material originally published by ComputerWire