Emap Digital’s music division and HMV online have combined forces to offer customers a seamless fusion of content and commerce. Emap Digital is to launch a number of online destinations that fully utilise its portfolio of quality music brands from Q and Mixmag through to Smash Hits and Kiss.

Together with HMV, the two companies have integrated the fulfilment process to offer six co-branded online shops that will form the backbone of Emap’s aggressive launch into the online music sector this autumn.

Jerry Perkins, Managing Director of the Emap Digital music project, comments:

Recommendation is at the heart of our websites’ editorial policy and Emap’s deal with HMV will allow content and commerce to be never more than a click away from one another.

HMV is a trusted high street brand with vast experience of selling recorded music. They offer a massive database of over 130,000 products, and an extremely knowledgeable team of buyers and merchandisers. Their reputation and expertise, together with the quality brands and internationally respected content of the Emap portfolio, will combine to provide a music buying service unrivalled anywhere in the world today.

Paul Du Noyer, Editorial Director of the Emap Digital music project comments:

We’ll make the sites compelling destinations in their own right, regardless of whether you intend to buy. They’ll offer material that inspires buying, but they’ll remain an informative and entertaining experience in any case. The Net is a great creative opportunity, and it permits us to marry content and commerce in completely new ways, to the benefit of both.

The process begins with the launch of two brand new sites Q4music.com and Mojo4music.com in November.