Sheffield Pick-popper Electronic Data Processing Plc has been promising a hot new product for a month of three now, and today’s edition of our sister paper Unigram.X reports that the enticing property it has up its sleeve is what it describes as a nested, object-oriented relational database system for release next February. The product, called Univision in the US – Quantum in the UK – will run under Unix System V.4 and can execute Pick code, according to Electronic Data Processing managing director, Richard Jowett. The company bought Via Systems Inc – which has a Pick-based financial modelling package and graphical user interface – and Open Inc, Colorado Springs, which markets a portable interface environment called Aspect, for a total of $1.25m last month (CI No 2,043). Both sets of technologies will be integrated into the new database, which will be developed to include Object Management Group standards. The company plans to use the US acquisitions as outlets for the technology.