Electric Cloud, a provider of software production management (SPM), has released version 3.2 of its ElectricCommander product, withseveral new features to streamline the build-test-deploy process for distributed development teams.

The company said that the version 3.2 has added language localisation, multiple time zone scheduling options, and the ability to conduct Continuous Integration (CI) and preflight builds and tests across multiple source code management (SCM) repositories with a single system. The new version also comes with fault tolerance enhancements.

The company claims that with the new enhancements, ElectricCommander provides software development teams with an unprecedented amount of control over build-test-deploy processes, resulting in faster production times and fewer errors.

ElectricCommander, and the entire Electric Cloud SPM portfolio, provide specific offerings for distributed development, agile development, build management, build acceleration, and test automation challenges, the company said.

Usman Muzaffar, VP of product management at Electric Cloud, said: ElectricCommander is designed to be robust, scalable, and always-on. It’s a utility service to run SPM systems as fundamental as electricity. Enterprises across the globe rely on ElectricCommander as the framework for software production, encompassing tools, people and processes.