San Francisco company Total Entertainment Network Inc is licensing Big Red Racing from Eidos Interactive Inc to put on its on-line games network. In addition, Telescan Inc and privately-held Denver-based Reality Sports Inc will jointly develop and operate a new on-line interactive game called Reality Baseball for fantasy baseball enthusiasts. Reality Baseball is due out in April and will be offered on a subscription basis. It will incorporate league statistics such as player ratings, trade values, and salary details, along with stadium effects to simulate head-to-head competition with the thrill and enjoyment of live baseball events, the company claimed. The game will combine Houston, Texas-based Telescan’s technological and networking capabilities with Reality Sports’ creativity. Both firms will share equally in the revenues from usage of the game and advertising on the site. With Internet-based entertainment gaining in popularity, we have been exploring opportunities to use Tele scan’s existing technology to participate in this growing segment of the market, said David Brown, Telescan chairman. In Eidos’s Big Red Racing, players choose from 24 racing track and 16 vehicles options. Racers can compete with up to five other players simultaneously. This action takes place on a range of terrain – from earth locations to outer space. Because of TEN’s national low-latency network, Big Red Racing players can experience the game as it should be: fast and frantic, said Paul Baldwin, Eidos Interactive’s vice-president of marketing. During our public beta testing we have proven that our service can handle high usage without performance degradation of fast-action game playing across the Internet, said Jack Heistand, Total Entertainment president and chief executive. Eidos Interactive was established in 1996 out of Domark, Core Design and US Gold.