As a program member, eei Solutions will integrate Nuance speech recognition and voice authentication software into eei’s Nortel Periphonics and InterVoice Brite interactive voice response (IVR) systems. eei will market Nuance-enabled capabilities to businesses such as financial services, telecommunications, utilities, healthcare, and insurance providers that require reliable, secure and quality customer interaction technology solutions to support mission critical applications.

Benefits of speech recognition and voice authentification

For eei customers, the partnership means that they now have access to the most advanced speech recognition services available today. With Nuance’s speech recognition software, eei Solutions now has the ability to offer natural language speech applications. Additionally, eei Solutions will leverage Nuance’s voice authentication software, Nuance Verifier 3.0, for customers to conduct secure transactions – rather than using a pin number, a system identifies a caller’s identity by recognizing their voiceprint.

Applications include a full range of technologies from auto attendant – the most basic front-end application such as a greeting or call transfer option – to voice portals, the most complex application, which is conversational and serves as a portal to information. eei is currently deploying multiple speech applications on its several thousand port IVR ASP network.

We are pleased to be partnering with Nuance, said Kirk Cameron, president of eei Solutions. Nuance is a leader in speech recognition technology and it’s exciting to partner with them to offer their technology as part of our menu of customized IVR services.