Texan system integrator and outsourcing firm Electronic Data Systems Corp, has seen its chairman and chief executive officer Lester Alberthal retire to pursue ‘other interests’. Alberthal is a 30-year EDS veteran having spent 12 years as CEO, having previously been groomed for leadership by EDS founder and ex-CEO Ross Perot. EDS seems to have run out of steam since it was spun off from its parent General Motors in 1996, and has had a rocky financial time, mostly blaming its troubles on the quality of the revenue it brings in form its largest client, GM. There was, of course, a deep-rooted culture clash between Perot and GM after EDS’ acquisition by General Motors in 1986. After repeated highly publicized clashes with GM CEO Roger Smith, Perot was paid off to step down. Perot then formed Perot Systems Inc in 1988 which has filed for an IPO itself, and speculation is rife that Alberthal may be recruited by Perot, yet again. The board of EDS has snubbed the vice-chairman and president by making it clear they are searching for an external replacement to become the third CEO in 36 years. EDS is now left with the task of finding two key board members, as yet they still haven’t found a replacement for CFO Joseph Grant who left in January.