EDS’ E Solutions line of business uses the BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform to build integrated systems to enable business information and transactions to flow to companies’ employees, customers and partners. Through the new alliance, EDS and BEA will target Global 1000 companies by cooperating on training, marketing and sales programs designed to produce additional integrated systems based on the BEA platform.

EDS relies on BEA and the BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform for scalable, enterprise-wide, mission-critical applications, said Brad Rucker, executive director of EDS bluesphere, a division of EDS focused on providing interactive Web solutions. By formalizing our alliance, we strengthen our ability to bring innovative solutions based on industry standards to reduce operating costs, fuel revenue growth and boost productivity for a broad range of customers.

The BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform

The BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform provides a single solution for enterprise and e-business applications that require commerce, portal, integration and Web Services. It allows EDS to unify the development, deployment, integration and process management of enterprise and extended enterprise solutions. To date, EDS has delivered nearly 100 successful applications built on BEA to its customers worldwide, including county, state and federal government organizations, multinational telecommunications firms and global financial institutions.

The development and implementation of great e-business systems often involves a broader skill set than any single organization can provide, which is why BEA is committed to partnering with the best companies in the IT industry, said Rauline Ochs, vice president of worldwide partner initiatives for BEA. The EDS-BEA alliance broadens the opportunities for both companies to provide their joint customers with measurable return-on-investment through the creation or improvement of reliable and cost-effective solutions.

EDS and BEA have collaborated on an integrated e-business system called CalWORKS Information Network (CalWIN). Slated for completion in 2002, the system manages the delivery of human-services benefits to families in 18 California counties.

Built on the BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform, the system is designed to streamline service delivery through multiple assistance programs operating within these counties. Upon its completion, CalWIN will be used by more than 30,000 employees in 777 offices throughout the state. The new platform enables employees to utilize an automated tool that increases benefit accuracy and the speed at which services are delivered to more than 1 million California families. Additionally, the system provides managers with a tool to increase productivity and efficiency, as well as reduce payment errors and the cost of program administration.

The BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform provides solid performance and high availability to manage the extreme complexity of this mission-critical social services system, said Dan Gonos, EDS chief technologist for the CalWIN project. Our work with BEA to forge agreements for this project has paved the way for the global alliance, which will streamline future projects requiring enterprise-class transaction processing.