Econocom International BV has made an $11 a share offer for the 86.2% of Decision Industries Inc it does not own. The bid from the $700m-a-year Amsterdam-based leasing company values the IBM System/36-compatible per-ipheral and CPU manufacturer at $104m. Econocom bought a 9.3% stake in Decision for $9.2m – $10.36 a share – in July (CI No 733) and now holds 13.8%. Decision Industries was profitable on revenue of $197m in 1986, but slipped into loss in the first half of this year. In Europe, Decis-on Industries has a 49% stake in Decision Data Computer; Olivetti has 51%. Decision, in Horsham, Pennsylvania, had no immediate comment on the bid, which will be open for 10 days – Econocom wants a quick close.