Easel Corp, Burlington, Massachusetts has introduced Enfin, an object-oriented graphical user interface development tool for Unix and Microsoft Corp Windows NT. The software, based on ParcPlace Systems Inc’s object-based language Smalltalk C++, lets users to build 32-bit client-server applications across distributed environments, the firm says. Enfin applications also run under OS/2 and Windows. It includes a WYSIWYG screen designer, point and click database query editor, database browser, report writer, a visual financial model editor, class browser and a debugger. Enfin supports a variety of databases including Oracle, Sybase and Informix databases. The tool is available first for IBM’s AIX operating system and support for Sun Microsystems Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co systems will follow by the end of the year. A Windows NT version is scheduled for release the first quarter of 1994.