Scientific-Atlanta Inc, the Atlanta, Georgia maker of communications network products and set-top boxes, has reported net profits for the third quarter to April 2 up 21.6% at 20.8m on revenue 10.8% higher at $320m; for the first nine months, net income is 13.4% higher at $55m on revenue 1.2% higher at $888.2m. Excluding one-time gains of $0.02 a share, earnings per share of $0.25 is well up on the estimates of $0.19 by analysts surveyed by First Call. The company says third quarter revenues were driven by a 29% increase in North American sales of broadband equipment to cable TV operators. President and CEO James McDonald says it is now entering the phase of its digital implementation strategy where new interactive services such as email and video-on-demand can be deployed on the networks.