DXY Solutions, a provider of mobile technologies, has launched the dxCitation System, a mobile electronic citation (eCitation) system. The new system reportedly works with Windows Mobile handhelds and Zebra printers to allow small to medium-sized cities to issue parking tickets and other citations.

The dxCS has been deployed with the City of Warren, Ohio and other deployments are in process. The company claims that its new offering is environmental friendly and it recommends hosting options that offer carbon-neutral servers to further protect the environment.

The company said that the dxCS is designed to fit the needs of smaller cities to more effectively enforce existing ordinances without the expense and hassle of a complex software installation

Dan Young, principal of DXY Solutions, said: The dxCS provides cities and boroughs with a simple, cost-effective way to electronically issue parking tickets and citations efficiently. Tickets are issued curb-side, being stored on a handheld computer.

Infractions, including pictures and GPS data, are synchronised wirelessly, over cellular or WiFi with the dxCS server. New citations can be reviewed; action taken on delinquent scofflaws. The result can be up to a 30% increase in annual citation revenue.