The site operator had been given notice by BREIN but continued its illegal activities. BREIN then demanded the site’s hosting provider, Leaseweb, take down, a move that led to the operator taking it down himself. This operator was also the owner of, which was also given notice by BREIN.

BREIN demands that illegal P2P site operators give themselves up and sign an undertaking to cease and desist from their illegal activities under forfeiture of a penalty. If the operators cannot be reached or fail to respond, BREIN requires the service provider to take the site down and disclose the name and address of the owner or operator.

In addition to its cease and desist undertaking under forfeiture of a penalty, BREIN also demands compensation for the damage caused by the illegal activities. That can run up from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of euros.

Over the past 15 months, BREIN has seen to it that 131 sites, which facilitated around 1.6 million users, have been taken down.