Dun & Bradstreet Corp’s D&B Software has announced the release of SmartStream 3.0, its Unix-based applications and development environment. The new version includes improved graphical user interface support and full support for the product’s modules, i ncluding Manufacturing, Financials and Human Resources Stream. At the front end, Dun & Bradstreet has introduced Stream-Builder, a front-end development tool, based on Powersoft Corp’s PowerBuilder product. According to the company, StreamBuilder is object-oriented and enables developers to re-use existing SmartStream data objects and common code. For example, customers can use the tool to customise SmartStream applications and integrate information with in-house data and non-Dun & Bradstreet applications using a gateway. In addition, the tool comes with SmartStream workflow application programming interface, so developers can build applications, whether they are written in Visual Basic, PowerBuilder or C, with embedded workflow capabilities. Microsoft Corp Object Linking & Embedding 2.0 specification is also supported. SmartStream 3.0, including all modules and StreamBuilder, is ready now.