DSC Nestar Systems Inc of Mountain View, California, now part of the Business Network Systems Group of DSC Communications Corp, has announced its PlanStar X25 Gateway System, which performs as a network resource for workstations connected to a Nestar local area network. The Gateway is a menu-driven local area network data communications option that gives 32 networked workstations concurrent access to public data networks. It conforms X25 and X29 and offers concurrent spooled print-outs; packet assembly-disassembly procedures for remote log-in to the host; support for X32 dial-up; LAPX and LAPB link level protocol; programming interface with input/output commands, and menu-driven system manager commands to initialise and start. PlanStar gateway elements include X25 software and operating system, Nestar PC-286 server, intelligent network adaptor, intelligent communications adaptor with X25 protocol, and workstation software and terminal emulation. The PlanStar X25 will be tested and authorised by September 1987 by Telenet, Tymnet, Euronet, British Telecom’s Packet Switchstream, Datapac and DNI. Other networks for testing and certification this year include Uninet, Transpac, Telepac, Datex-P, Venus-P, Austpac and Italpac.