Draeger Medical’s Innovian Solution Suite streamlines access to patient information by providing one platform for the critical and perioperative care environments. The innovative new system will be unveiled at the 2007 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) in New Orleans.

The new web-based components of the suite include options for the perioperative and critical care environments. In the perioperative environment, Draeger Medical’s OR/Anesthesia information management system covers scheduling, pre-op, holding, intra-op and PACU. For critical care, there is an ICU documentation system that provides full electronic patient charting, flowsheet, scoring and printed reports.

Working together, these solutions continually capture vital patient information from perioperative and critical care medical devices and clinical information systems. That data is integrated into one interface for direct access by clinicians.

Draeger Medical’s web-based information management solutions support Pick and Go technology. This enables information collected by Infinity monitors during patient transfer to be automatically backfilled into the database. Moreover, because it is built on open standards, it fully supports HL7 interfaces to the hospital information system.