NEC Corp yesterday firmed up its agreement with Control Data Systems Inc under which it will acquire a 4.99% stake in the company, paying about $5.3m. The agreement involves Control Data marketing NEC’s 4800 series MIPS Technologies Inc R-series RISC workstations. NEC is to develop a special version of its UP 4800 server series for Control Data, with shipments expected to begin in the second half of 1993. NEC is counting on shipping 1,500 units to Control Data by the end of 1994, and the two are considering developing their relationship further, including the supply by NEC of other UNIX workstations to Control Data, the adoption by NEC of some Control Data applications to fill gaps in its own line – and the marketing by Control Data of NEC personal computers, probably the Ultralite MS-DOS laptop computer. NEC is also said to be negotiating with various US relational database vendors to put their products up under NEC’s version of Unix System V.4.