The ink-jet printer company Domino Printing Sciences Plc of Cambridge has reported an interim profit fall of 14% which it largely attributes to price cutting on products in order to remain competitive in the European and US markets. This cut in profits has been compounded by delays in the modification of the XT4/44 product range which means that the return on the XT investment is taking longer than expected to be realised. Ink jet sales in Europe have been patchy with strong growth in the UK, Holland and France, but negligible growth in Germany, Spain, Belgium and Scandinavia. However, sales in the Asia Pacific markets have been very good rising by 47%. Domino’s US operation, on the other hand, is simply treading water with sales up only 3% – however, over $1m worth of orders for graphics have been taken from publishers of weekly and monthly magazines so a sales upturn is expected in the second half. But the Coding and Marking division’s performance remains desultory. In world market terms Domino’s success with Macrojet has continued with 351 printers installed during these six months a 57% growth over last year’s efforts. The company has sold off Mailcrafters (Europe) Ltd for UKP405,000 and has now pulled out of the mail insertion equipment business altogether. It expects a very strong second-half performance.